Sunday, September 14, 2014


  Today I had my first confirmation class! My little church has a youth group of 3 families and we ALL are best friends and grew up together. Out of 6 of us, only 3 are being confirmed this coming year, including myself. I. Am. So. Excited! I am so excited for the Archbishop to lay his hand on my little (big) head and to utter those words that will bring forth the Holy Spirit to endow me with the graces I will need on this crazy journey we call life! I am excited to receive another blessed, holy sacrament that Jesus graced us flawed humans with! He knew that He was going to leave us soon and that we would need something to keep us going strong. Enter, Pentacost (my fave day of the year)! I think the reason I am so excited to receive Confirmation is because it ALWAYS has reminded me of when those tongues of fire began dancing above the Apostles' heads. It reminds me of how when the Holy Spirit comes upon us, we are new! It's a fresh start! I know every time I feel the Holy Spirit (a pretty good bit) I just have this overwhelming feeling come over me that lets me know that everything I've ever done, all my past mistakes, all my failures and hurts, are taken care of! I've always wanted to live a life that was go, go, go for God. I've always wanted to be that person that had incredible trust in God! When I discovered my possible vocation, the hardest thing for me to accept was that maybe my go, go, go life wasn't going to be lived in any way I thought it would be. I didn't see how I could accomplish the things, the dreams I've wanted to for so long. Everyone kept telling me, "Elizabeth, as long as you're doing God's will, you will be happiest." I know that! But it doesn't make the reality of it any easier. So for the past few weeks, I have been working on my trust in God that whatever happens, whatever I am called to do or be, will be whatever is going to make me happiest in the end. I have also been trying not to think about it much, to just give it up to God and LET GO! Another part of me wants to just avoid my calling like I did for years. But I know that now that is not an option. I will be held accountable for pulling the wool over my own eyes. Don't get me wrong, there is NOTHING wrong with being a nun. It is certainly not the boring life I thought it was -I've learned that it is anything but boring and predictable- but no one likes knowing that the plans they had are crap. The confirmation curriculum my godmother chose is called Chosen. So far it is amazing. The lesson today was talking about how, no matter who we are, we all want the same thing: happiness. Why do you want to be a rockstar? Somehow, you think it will make you happy. Why do you want to be rich and famous? You think it will make you happy. While we were discussing what we thought being "chosen" meant, I said that in a general sense, as are all chosen to be a Child of God. We are all made the same. We were all made by the same God. We all have the same creator. Therefore, we naturally all want and we're made for the same thing: God's love (really, to serve Him). But today, everyone generates that want into something simpler: happiness. But it all comes back to this: what is the essence of happiness? What do we all REALLY want and need? God! One thing I brought up in discussion was that the reason everyone generates that want and need into something else is because people have a problem with having rules and commands. No one likes to be told what to do. But would you mind it if your eternal life or eternal damnation depended on it? The CHOICE is yours. The closing prayer said that everyone has a holy purpose in this life. We are all called to do something, but it's the matter of wether or not you answer that call. But in the end, what will make you happy? The path that was designed solely for you by your CREATOR or the path that you believe you designed better?
During the next two weeks, I will be reflecting on this and praying that I may give my life in full surrender to God. I challenge you to do the same! 

In Prayer,
A Discerning Teen

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