Monday, August 25, 2014

Grab Your Glasses!

  I got glasses today! My vison is just bad enough to need glasses, but when I put them on for the first time, it was incredible. I could read the street signs when I drove! Dangerous, I know, but I honestly didn't know how little I could see before. I haven't taken them off except when I got in the shower earlier. Thinking about this, I can't help but think that this is how we are when we are even the slightest bit away from Jesus and His amazing mercy. When you look at your life, you may think, Oh, I'm such a great Christian because I try my best, or, I am much more Christ-like he is. But take a closer look. Is there maybe even one thing that holds us back from stepping even further toward God's love for us? I guarantee you there is. Maybe it's fighting unnessecarily with your siblings (one of my problems) or arguing with your parents even when you know they are right. Every little things pulls us further away from where we could be. My vison was 20/30 (or something like that) yet I couldn't read street signs until I was right up on them. I couldn't read a sign that was more than 10 feet away. Sin works the same way. We all struggle with it. After all, we are human. We were not made perfect. Sin, like anything else, is addictive, but just like an alcoholic, it is what pulls us away from what should matter most. God and our walk toward Heaven is what should influence our every move. In order to move toward our goal, eternal life, we must get rid of all hindrances. Take a minute and think about that one thing that always seems to come back and ruin your day. Or that one person who, just by opening their mouth, ticks you off. Whatever it may be, I challenge you to get rid of it. If your problem is spending too much time watching tv instead of with your family, turn the tv off and have a family conversation. If someone just seems to always be eating away at your patience, avoid that person or, if that's not possible, pray for them and for yourself while you are speaking to them. I promise you your life will be so much easier. Start out small. Spend one week focusing on getting rid of you hindrances. Then, if it works out, keep doing what you're doing to get rid of that thing. I know for me, my hindrance was a certain relationship. This person always ticked me off or said something that led to us gossiping. It eventually came to the point where I couldn't take if anymore. Every time I spoke to this person, I literally felt like I was walking away from God. So I ended the friendship. It has been months since I have spoken to this person and I am happier and closed to God than I have ever been. I don't gossip like I used to and when I do, I now have the strength to stop. So I challenge you to take your vision test, grab your glasses, and put them on so you can see! Then, get used to driving better. 

A Discerning Teen

P. S. It's been a very long day and I have a headache due to not being used to seeing properly. So please excuse my cheesiness. 

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